Roast Beef and Roundabouts

Many in the UK seek comfort in the past, whether the Celtic twilight of Camelot, or pride in the innovations of the Victorian era. But peel away the fantasies and we’re left with little – just overcooked roast beef and roundabouts. This is a rant about our obsession with the past – and obsessions in general, whether these are my own, or those of the nostalgic British public.

East Riding

The East Riding of Yorkshire, where, after leaving the sunny landscapes of California, Bradford born artist David Hockney returned to live and paint. Hockney’s art challenges how we perceive the world, some of his photographic collages are almost cubist, as this podcast is, fragmentary, lacking a straight chronology. Your mind does not think in simple, ordered steps. Your eyes and your mind are constantly moving. Hockney wants to reflect that. I can only try and use a similar method to describe him and what he does.

The Cathedral Cities

Cathedrals dominate the skylines of many British cities. Their development took place over a period of over 1000 years and represent one of the most astonishing artistic and technical achievements of western Europe.

Harrogate and Tea

Tea drinking in Britain was once a ritual, an institution. Tea was pivotal in two British wars, one with the embryonic USA, the other, China. Today, most tea is tasteless piss – a bag of dust dipped in a mug of boiled water – although grand old tea shops, like Betty’s in Harrogate, try to maintain some standards, and hold back the rising tide: of coffee.